
Do I Need Medical Records to Prove My Social Security Disability Case?

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Posted by Corey Luedeman

Medical records are the most important type of evidence to prove to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you are disabled.  We understand that medical treatment can be expensive, but seeing a medical provider regularly for your conditions is key to proving to the SSA that you’re disabled under their rules.

Why Are Your Medical Records Important?

Your medical records are important to the SSA for a few different reasons:

  • They document your conditions thoroughly
  • They outline any treatment you are receiving for those conditions
  • They illustrate your responses to any treatment your doctors have prescribed.

If you do not have medical records outlining your conditions, it can be difficult even for an experienced Iowa Social Security Disability attorney to prove that you are disabled under Social Security’s rules.  The SSA needs proof of your disability.  While you may have witnesses to your conditions, the best proof is extensive medical records.

Both past and current medical records are important. Past medical records show the history of your condition. Current records show how your condition has worsened over time or illustrate how you have attempted to treat your conditions.

What Types of Medical Records Should I Provide to Social Security?

Different types of medical records can help paint a complete picture of your disability.  These types of records can include:

  • Diagnoses of medical issues
  • Lab results (blood tests, X-rays, and other tests)
  • Records of emergency room visits or inpatient treatment history
  • A statement from your medical provider about what you can and cannot do because of your severe medical conditions
  • List of medications

It’s important that you give the SSA access to as many medical records as you can.  The SSA uses the information you give them on your initial disability application to find your medical records.  That’s why you should include every medical provider you can think of when you fill out your application. The more information the SSA has, the more informed decision it can make about your case.

How Does a Consultative Exam Help My Disability Claim?

If the SSA doesn’t have enough information to make a ruling on your claim, Social Security may ask you to attend a “consultative examination.”  This exam is done by a doctor that the SSA chooses. It can be for physical or mental health impairments.  Although the exam likely will not take very long, it’s important that you go when it’s requested.  If you do not attend the exam, the SSA could deny your claim for benefits.

If your initial application is denied, a Social Security Disability lawyer may be able to help you with the appeals process.  They can help with your appeal by tracking down medical records that the SSA couldn’t find or didn’t know about.  A more complete medical records picture may help the SSA approve you for disability benefits.

Has your initial application been denied by Social Security?  We may be able to help.  Contact RSH Legal today at 1-319-774-1783.

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