Who are you?

I’m Sam and I’m a trial lawyer.  I live in Dubuque with my wife Sarah and our two sons. 

Who do you represent?

I work for people who’ve been hurt by others’ negligence.  Often times my clients’ lives have been turned upside down because somebody else couldn’t pay attention.

What led you to this work?

I became a lawyer to help people.  Early in my practice, I recognized there were attorneys who wanted to help and those whose job was to prevent people from getting help.  I started working on clean water cases and remember being surprised that the other side was so bent on being able to pollute our water.  I knew I had chosen the right path.

What motivates you to do what you do?

I’ve seen how a serious injury can impact every aspect of a person’s life.  Beyond the obvious physical effects, a serious injury disrupts relationships, marriages, finances, fears, and goals.  I like to be able to offer comfort to people dealing with those challenges.

What do you do when you are not working as an attorney?

My wife and I enjoy spending our time on the Mississippi River in our small fishing boat.  I am an avid bow hunter and try to spend as much time as possible in the woods. 

If you weren’t an attorney, what would you be doing?

If I wasn’t a lawyer, I’d probably be a wildlife biologist or land biologist for the DNR. I grew up hunting and fishing.  I’d like to help ensure future generations can enjoy those activities as well.

How do you relate to your clients?

I spend a lot of time getting to know my clients.  I have never gone to trial without spending time with my client in their home.  I think it’s critical to get to know my clients beyond their case.  Too often lawyers only know their clients as a file, I prefer to know them as people.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

People are always surprised to hear my singing voice.  I spent five years chasing my dream of being a professional singer/songwriter in Nashville, TN.  In that time, I wrote and recorded lots of songs – you can find some with a little Googling.  I also spent time on tour with Hunter Hayes, Taylor Swift, and Carrie Underwood. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

Lawsuits can be very stressful for both clients and attorneys.  I am always grateful for the relief my clients feel when they get a positive result.