Cedar Rapids Brain Injury Lawyer
There are many types of brain injury cases that can happen in Cedar Rapids. Car accidents, work injuries, medical errors, or even a fall at a nursing home can result in a brain injury. If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury because of someone else’s fault, keep reading.
5 Steps to Take After Being Diagnosed with a Brain Injury
After you’ve suffered a brain injury, there are a few steps you need to take in order to protect yourself.
The first thing you must do is rest. Physical and mental rest is the best treatment after a concussion or serious TBI. While recovering, you should not do any physical or mental tasks that can strain your mind. This means no reading or crossword puzzles. You should also avoid exercise or other physical activity until you are cleared to do so by your doctor.
Instead, sleeping as much as you are able to will help heal your brain. Once your doctor has cleared you to heal, spend as much time sleeping as you can.
Avoid light and sound as much as possible
During the brain injury recovery process, you may find you’re sensitive to light or sound. Try to avoid watching a lot of TV, texting, listening to music, or being in the sunlight. Talk to your doctor about reintroducing these stimuli.
Keep a daily journal of any struggles or pain you’re having. Every time a symptom appears, or there are changes in your mood or behavior, write it down. You can also ask family or friends who know you well to write down changes they observe in your behavior. These notes can then be shared with your doctor to determine your progress in healing.
Avoid any medications without doctor approval
Speak to your doctor before you take any medications after a brain injury, even over-the-counter drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen. Certain medications can cause an increase in your traumatic brain injury symptoms, making it difficult to figure out if your symptoms are worsening on their own or because of the medication. Only take medication that your doctor has authorized you to take.
Do not participate in any activities that could give you another TBI before your first injury has healed
Endangering your brain before it has had time to fully heal from its injury must be avoided. Your resistance to injury is lessened after an initial TBI and the effects are multiplied until you are completely healed.
When you experience a second impact on your brain before the first injury is healed, this is known as “Second Impact Syndrome.” SIS is most often seen when children or teens return to a physical sport before a first brain injury has healed.
Those who have experienced a brain injury from a fall or car accident are also at risk of SIS. SIS can lead to permanent brain damage or, in severe cases, even death.
Even driving can be considered an at-risk activity for those still suffering from TBI symptoms. Although you may not be able to avoid riding in a car the entire time you’re in recovery, see if friends or family can give you a ride until you’re healed.
If you suffered a brain injury because of someone else’s fault, you can get a free, no-obligation case evaluation from our Cedar Rapids injury lawyers by calling 1-800-433-0283.
The 5 Most Common Misconceptions about Brain Injuries
“I can’t have a brain injury – I didn’t hit my head.”
A simple jolt of the body is enough to cause a traumatic brain injury. Remember – your brain, and not your head, is the issue. The brain can bounce around inside your skull, leading the brain to hit the sides of your head. This can then cause bruising and other damage.
Even if you were wearing a helmet, this only prevents your skull from being damaged. It will not protect your brain from knocking into the skull. We still recommend that you wear a helmet if you ride a bike or motorcycle – but understand its limitations.
“I didn’t lose consciousness.”
Only 10% of people who suffer a TBI lose consciousness during the brain injury. You also may not know or remember if you passed out.
Losing consciousness is not a necessary requirement to be considered a TBI. If you feel as though your head connected with another object or your body was jolted enough to whip your head back and forth or side to side, you should assume you have a brain injury and consult a doctor right away.
“It’s only a concussion.”
Concussions are considered traumatic brain injuries and should be treated as such. Just because something is labeled as a “concussion” does not mean it isn’t a serious injury that needs medical treatment.
“I should be healed by now.”
Due to the trauma experienced and the area of the brain affected, everyone heals from a brain injury at a different pace. Don’t think just because you’ve waited the “average” amount of time to heal that you are better. Only a doctor can medically clear you to resume normal activities.
If you have a traumatic brain injury, there may be lasting effects or unexpected complications. This is known as “post-concussion syndrome.” 10-15% of people may suffer for years or even permanently from this syndrome. If you continue suffering from symptoms after what is considered an “average” amount of healing time, speak with your doctor.
“It wasn’t that serious – I don’t need a lawyer.”
As we’ve already mentioned, brain injuries are serious and need to be treated as such. Because of a TBI, you may experience pain and suffering and lost wages from time off work. You may also not be able to work at the same job you could before you were injured.All of this means you need an experienced Cedar Rapids brain injury lawyer to look at your case. RSH Legal brain injury attorneys can fight for fairness for you. To schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation, call 1-800-433-0283 today.

Tim Semelroth
Board-Certified Trial Attorney

Pressley Henningsen
AV-Rated Trial Attorney
A car came through the median and we were hit head on. Every bone in my body from my lower jaw down to the bottom of my feet was broken. My medical bills were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I can’t imagine going through something like this without someone like Tim or RSH Legal.
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