
How Much Should My Social Security Benefits Be?

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Posted by Corey Luedeman

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One of the most common questions we are asked as disability attorneys is “How much should I be receiving in Social Security Disability benefits?”  It is important to realize that there are two forms of financial benefits that you could receive if you are approved for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

Your Monthly Social Security Disability Benefits

First, if you are approved, you will receive a monthly deposit into your personal bank account from the federal government.

The amount of monthly benefits that you receive will depend on whether you qualify for Disability Insurance benefits or Supplemental Security Income.  If you have had a recent and solid work history, you will most likely receive Disability Insurance benefits.  If your work history has been more limited, you will more likely qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

If you have a solid work history, the Social Security Disability benefits you receive will depend on the money you contributed to the fund in the past through taxes.  When you were working, you paid into this fund from taxes taken out of your paycheck.  How long you were paying into this fund and how long ago you last paid into it are factors in determining your benefits amount.

The easiest way to get an estimate of what you might receive if you qualified for Social Security Disability is to review your Social Security Statement.  You can view this online or call the Social Security Administration and ask for a paper copy.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in The Law Guide to Iowa Social Security Disability Claims, which is a free guide offered online by RSH Legal’s personal injury and disability attorneys.  Simply fill out the form on this page and you will be able to download this guide for free.

Social Security Back Pay: How is it Calculated?

Not only could you receive monthly SSD or SSI benefits, but you could receive back pay.  Back pay is money that Social Security could owe to you for the time when you were disabled before your application was approved.  Depending on when you filed your application, you could earn back benefits for up to one year prior to your application date.  This back pay rule is only for SSD benefits.

On the other hand, if your work history is more limited, you are more likely to qualify for SSI.  This means that your benefits are set by law at $733 per month.  That amount might be reduced depending on your financial and living situation.   Your back pay benefits for SSI will also be calculated differently.  They will be a maximum of $733 per month going back to the date you submitted your application.

As you can see, it can be hard to figure out the amount of your Social Security benefits you could be owed.  Wouldn’t it be easier to contact an expert who can walk you through these steps?

Call us toll-free at 319-519-4193 and we will answer any questions that you may have about your Social Security Disability claim.

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