The last thing you want to happen after an Iowa car accident is to get cheated by the other driver’s auto insurance company. You may already know the time and emotional strength it takes to stand up to a car insurance company when it does not want to pay a fair settlement, and you may feel you have done all you can on your own.
We can help by teaching you the typical tricks that auto insurance companies pull when they don’t want to pay fair compensation after a crash.
A Law Guide that Helps Iowa Car Accident Victims
It’s important for innocent car accident victims to know how to protect themselves when dealing with an auto insurance company.
In The Law Guide to Iowa Car Accident Claims, we reveal the seven most common tactics the auto insurance industry uses to rip people off. Remember that car insurance companies are in business to be profitable, and while car insurance can be an important protection after a crash, the companies who sell it don’t always have YOUR best interest in mind.
Two Examples of Shady Auto Insurance Industry Tactics
The insurance representative might say “My company won’t pay if you don’t sign our medical release form.”
- You should know that signing a medical release is not likely to make the other driver’s insurance corporation pay you any faster – unless you are ready to settle your whole claim right on the spot. If you want to know why they want that form signed so quickly, read the fine print. Auto insurance corporations often write their medical releases in a way that gives them complete access to your entire medical history – not just your accident-related treatment. They then use your pre-accident health history against you to justify a low settlement offer.
- You might also hear “My company won’t pay if you don’t give me a recorded statement.” Again, giving a recorded statement will not make them pay you any sooner. It may, however, give the other driver’s insurance corporation a reason to offer you less in settlement. Insurance industry representatives are trained to ask questions specifically designed to get information they can use against you in court. That’s why RSH Legal doesn’t let our clients give a recorded statement unless an attorney is present.
More Tricks That May Prevent Fair Settlement of Car Accident Claims
It is important to have your guard up when dealing with an auto insurance company after an Iowa car accident. This post only discusses two of the most common insurance industry tactics used on car crash victims. Read more about the rest of the seven unfair auto insurance industry tactics by using the form on this page to download your copy of The Law Guide to Iowa Car Accident Claims.
Just remember that you only have so much time to act after an Iowa car accident. You must settle your car accident claim or file a personal injury lawsuit within a certain amount of time after the crash. If you let that time run out, you will lose your right to fair compensation.
If you have read our Law Guide and still have questions or you are ready to speak to an Iowa car accident attorney, call us today at 1-319-519-4193!
You’ve already been a car accident victim. Don’t be a victim of the insurance industry too!