Attention! Iowa’s Workers’ Compensation laws changed July 1, 2017. This article’s information may be out of date. Visit our Workers’ Compensation Page for more information.
Remember that Your Doctor May Be Able to Help You Get a Better Settlement
You might find this hard to believe, but when some people are getting treatment for their work injury, they actually miss appointments with their doctor. This can harm your chances at getting a fair settlement for a workers’ compensation claim. Your doctor and medical records can only help you if you show up.
Missing your appointments will understandably aggravate your doctor (or physical therapist). It’s also not good for your health. The health care providers who are treating you for a work injury oftentimes provide the most important opinions regarding your condition in a workers’ compensation claim—opinions that can greatly help, or greatly hurt, your case. If you are missing appointments, and in turn upsetting your providers, they may be less likely to go to bat for you when you need them most. Get to your appointments, and get there on time! This is just one of many tips we share with people in our Iowa Workers’ Compensation guide.
If you don’t know how to protect yourself in the Iowa Workers Comp System, please download our free guide. If you need help with your workers’ comp. case, call RSH Legal today.