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What Are Some Signs of Workplace Harassment in Iowa?

We received lots of concerned calls from employees across industries about harassment in the workplace. Unfortunately, it remains a significant concern. While not all harassment is illegal, when it is based on something like age, sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or similar classes, the law prohibits it. Recognizing the signs of protected class …


Iowa Workplace Pregnancy Discrimination and Your Rights

Despite legal protections in place, pregnant employees continue to face challenges such as bias, unfair treatment, and even termination based on their pregnancy status. Understanding Pregnancy Discrimination Pregnancy discrimination occurs when an employer treats a pregnant employee or job applicant unfairly due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. This can appear in various forms, …


If You Were Unlawfully Fired: 3 Tips to Hold Your Iowa Employer Accountable

What constitutes wrongful termination in Iowa? Do you believe you have been unlawfully fired from your job in Iowa? If so you, likely feel angry or upset and want to know how to hold your former employer accountable. Here are 3 ways you can get justice: 1.      Taking legal action sooner rather than later. There …


What is “Quid Pro Quo” Harassment in Iowa Workplaces?

We get a lot of calls about harassment in the workplace. Sometimes this harassment takes the form of a generally hostile work environment – repeated inappropriate jokes, or scattered comments and gestures here and there. But other times, the harassment arises in a situation that the law calls “quid pro quo” harassment.  “Quid pro quo” …


What Kinds of Discrimination are Illegal in Iowa Workplaces?

Every day Iowans face discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately, not all discrimination is illegal. Knowing what types of discrimination are illegal is the first step to understanding if you have a claim. The first thing you need to know is that not all discrimination in the workplace is illegal. An employer can cross the line …


How Long Do I Have to File a Complaint for Being Discriminated Against at Work in Iowa?

If you have been discriminated against at work in Iowa, you may be wondering what you can do to hold your employer accountable. Both Iowa law and Federal law prohibit workplace discrimination where that discrimination is based on membership in a protected class such as age, race, sex, disability, religion, and other similar groups.  These …


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