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Iowa Chiropractor Medical Malpractice: What You Need to Know

Chiropractic treatment is a form of alternative health care that uses manual therapy to alleviate pain, discomfort, and other symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Despite adequate training and licensing, there are cases of Chiropractor medical malpractice. While chiropractors undergo extensive training and education to become licensed practitioners, they are not immune to making mistakes. Chiropractic malpractice …


When Is a Birth Injury Considered Medical Malpractice in Iowa?

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare – a joyous day of birth for their child that turns into a frightening and terrible experience. Or maybe your child’s birth seemed to happen without issue – but they begin missing key developmental milestones as they grow older. Either way, you suspect that something went wrong during your child’s …


How to File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Without a Lawyer in Iowa

Legally, you are allowed to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Iowa without obtaining an attorney. But before you do so, you need to make sure that’s a good idea for your Iowa medical malpractice claim. What You Could Lose if You Represent Yourself in a Medical Malpractice Claim Most medical malpractice victims that we …


How to Get Your Bills Paid in an Iowa Medical Malpractice Settlement

If you have been seriously hurt by a doctor or other medical professional in Iowa, receiving damages for your injuries is the way the civil court system can get you justice for your harms and losses. However, before you can receive compensation, you must prove that medical malpractice occurred. This may be more complicated than …


Why Won’t You Take My Iowa Medical Malpractice Case?

We get thousands of phone calls and website requests each year from people who feel they have an Iowa medical malpractice case. While we agree there’s no excuse for shoddy medical care, unfortunately not all bad medical care qualifies as medical malpractice in Iowa. To be considered medical malpractice in Iowa, there needs to be …


Can I Sue the VA in Iowa for Medical Malpractice?

One way that America honors our veterans is to give them health care through Veterans Affairs medical facilities. VA Medical Centers provide a wide range of medical treatments and services, including surgery, physical therapy, and critical care – and many veterans take advantage of these health care services. Unfortunately, VA hospitals are no different than …


What Are the Odds of Winning an Iowa Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

You may be curious about your odds of winning a medical malpractice claim in Iowa. If you talk to attorneys about these cases, you’ll hear that well over 90% of these cases across the country result in the defense winning. That’s about the same in Iowa as well. While that isn’t our record, you need …


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