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Wrongful Death Claim? What You Should Do If You Suspect Someone is at Fault for Your Loved One’s Death (Video)

If your loved one has died and you suspect that his or her death was caused by someone else’s fault, you may be wondering if you should file a wrongful death claim. Here are things to consider if you want to preserve your right to bring a wrongful death claim in Iowa. Set Up an …


What Does Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Iowa Mean For You?

For many Iowans, filing a personal injury lawsuit can seem intimidating. Dealing with injuries, and then adding the complexity of a lawsuit, can be overwhelming. However, you don’t necessarily have to file a personal injury lawsuit right after you’ve been injured. Many times, a settlement for your harms and losses can be arranged before a …


Why is Getting a Fair Iowa Semi-Truck Accident Settlement Is Harder than a Car Crash?

If you believe you are entitled to an Iowa semi-truck accident settlement, you may not know that getting a fair settlement can be a more difficult process than if you were in a regular car crash. There are a few reasons why this is the case. Truck Driver Logs Can Be Destroyed Soon After a …

Iowa Wrongful Death Claim vs. Iowa Personal Injury Claim: Key Differences (Video)

Many people ask us about the differences between an Iowa wrongful death claim and a personal injury claim. If you suspect a loved one died because of someone else’s fault, this may be one of your questions as well. In this situation, it is important to understand the differences between a wrongful death lawsuit and …


Why Does My Iowa Personal Injury Lawsuit Require My Tax Returns? (Video)

If you file an Iowa personal injury lawsuit, be aware that you will have to share a certain amount of private information with your own personal injury lawyer as well as with the other side. Let’s talk about why that must happen. Filing a Lawsuit Means Giving Up Some Privacy Filing a personal injury lawsuit …

How Long Will It Take to Settle Your Iowa Personal Injury Case after Your Lawsuit is Filed? (Video)

After careful consideration and a discussion with your lawyer, you have decided to file a lawsuit in your personal injury case. But you’re probably wondering – how long will it take for you to settle your case? There are several factors that help decide how long your personal injury case will take to settle. Some …


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