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Did an Uninsured or Underinsured Driver Cause Your Car Accident?

If you’re like most people, you probably assumed your own insurance company would be on your side after your Iowa car accident.  That can be a dangerous assumption to make.  I’m not exaggerating when I say the biggest threat to getting paid fairly after a car accident may be your own insurance company. If an uninsured or underinsured …


How to Protect Yourself after an Iowa Car Accident

When you’ve been in a car accident in Iowa, you can’t rely on the police to record all the necessary information to support your Iowa personal injury claim.  Auto accident investigations are usually near the bottom of law enforcement’s priority list unless someone was killed. After a non-fatal car crash, police officers are often too …


The Obstacles to Getting Justice after a Medical Error

What It Takes To Make a Successful Medical Malpractice Case in Iowa Iowa law makes it difficult to bring a medical malpractice case.  Judges will not allow you to go forward with a medical malpractice lawsuit unless you can present testimony from a qualified medical expert who says the injured patient’s doctor committed a preventable …


Unfair Tactics Insurance Corporations Use to Avoid Paying Car Accident Claims

UNFAIR TACTIC: The Other Driver’s Insurance Representative Tells You “My Company Won’t Pay if You Don’t Sign Our Medical Release Form” The first thing to remember is that the other driver’s insurance is not likely to pay anything for your injury unless and until you are willing to settle your Iowa personal injury case once …

Important Rights that Every Injured Worker Has Under Iowa Law

Attention! Iowa’s Workers’ Compensation laws changed July 1, 2017. This article’s information may be out of date. Visit our Workers’ Compensation Page for more information. If You Are Unhappy With the Doctor Picked by Your Employer, You Might Be Entitled to Different Medical Care Iowa workers’ compensation law requires that an employer (or its insurance corporation) pay …


Unfair Tactics Insurance Corporations Use to Exploit Truck Accident Victims

UNFAIR TACTIC: Trucking Company’s Representative Tells You “My Company Won’t Pay if You Don’t Give a Recorded Statement” The first thing to realize is that the trucking company (or its insurance corporation) is not likely to pay for anything – not one medical bill, not one lost paycheck – until the truck accident victim or …


Unfair Tactics Insurance Corporations Use to Exploit Injured Bikers

UNFAIR TACTIC: The Other Driver’s Insurance Threatens “My Company Won’t Pay for That Kind Of Treatment” Sometimes the other driver’s insurance will find out about the type of accident-related medical treatment that an injured biker is receiving and threaten that it will not pay for that type of treatment. This threat is often given about …

Reasons to Find an Iowa Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Attention! Iowa’s Workers’ Compensation laws changed July 1, 2017. This article’s information may be out of date. Visit our Workers’ Compensation Page for more information. One of the common mistakes that injured workers make is decisions about their claim without completely understanding their rights.  Some injured workers blindly trust what their employers or workers’ compensation insurance adjusters …


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Find out how to get treated fairly after an injury or disability in Iowa

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