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Car Accident Victims Say “I’m Not the Type of Person to Sue”

Every year, thousands of people are badly injured or even killed in Iowa car accidents.  And every year, when these same car accident victims contact me, I hear the same thing: “I’m not the type of person to sue.” Insurance Corporations Convince People Not to Sue Them It makes me mad, and it should make …

Physical Injuries and Depression Go Hand in Hand

Attention! Iowa’s Workers’ Compensation laws changed July 1, 2017. This article’s information may be out of date. Visit our Workers’ Compensation Page for more information. I recently spoke to a group of Iowa workers’ compensation attorneys about handling claims for injured workers who go on to develop depression after a work injury. I was asked to give …


Risky Behaviors Behind the Wheel Lead to Personal Injury Cases

If you believe the majority of drivers out there are being unsafe while driving, you’re right.  Over 85 percent of drivers have engaged in risky behaviors while behind the wheel according to a study done by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.  Our office sees personal injury cases every year involving people who have been …

Iowa Employees Can Receive Workers’ Comp Benefits for Landscaping Injuries

Attention! Iowa’s Workers’ Compensation laws changed July 1, 2017. This article’s information may be out of date. Visit our Workers’ Compensation Page for more information. This time of year, landscaping injuries increase dramatically as more workers are laboring outdoors.  Those who do this type of work professionally are far more likely to suffer a work injury than …


How an Experienced Social Security Disability Attorney Can Help with Your Claim

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits help thousands of people each year who can no longer work because of their severe physical or mental health conditions.  Along with hundreds of other conditions, SSD benefits may cover common health conditions like lupus, diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), or even a brain injury.  If you have a health condition …


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