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What Should I Ask For in a Personal Injury Settlement in Iowa?

Injured Iowans call us all the time and ask, “What is my case worth?”  Most times we can’t give a specific answer without gathering more information like medical records, evidence of lost wages, and a doctor’s opinions about the severity of your injuries. While we may not be able to give you an exact figure …

What Does “Litigation” or “Filing a Lawsuit” Mean in an Iowa Personal Injury Case?

After you’ve suffered an injury in Iowa, your head is probably spinning with all sorts of questions. Who is going to pay for my medical bills? Will I get paid back for my lost wages? What if my pain doesn’t go away? Am I going to end up filing a lawsuit and if I do, …


Do I Need a Disability Lawyer to Appeal My Social Security Disability Denial?

Has your initial application for Social Security disability benefits been denied? If so, you are allowed to appeal this decision. You are not required to have an attorney at any point during the appeals process. However, hiring an Iowa disability attorney to help you with your appeal greatly improves your chance of winning your claim. …


What Does “At-Will” Employment in Iowa Mean?

You may have heard that Iowa is an “at-will” employment state. But what does “at-will” mean, and how does it affect your rights as an Iowa employee? Who is an “At-Will” Employee in Iowa? Unless you have a contract specifying specific terms and length of employment or you benefit from a collective bargaining agreement, you …

What Are the Physical Symptoms Associated with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?

After an accident in Iowa, you may experience the symptoms of a brain injury immediately. Sometimes, however, symptoms take time to show up. Brain injuries can be hard to diagnose. That is because the symptoms of a brain injury can be hard to identify. Early diagnosis and treatment of a brain injury can lead to …

Iowa Workers’ Compensation Benefits After Back and Neck Injuries

Injuring your back or neck at work can be two of the most serious work injuries Iowa workers face. Because of this, those that suffer serious back and neck injuries are rightfully entitled to certain benefits under Iowa law. 3 Types of Iowa Work Comp Benefits Like all accepted workers’ compensation claims in Iowa, there …


4 Common Myths about Iowa Social Security Disability Benefits

There are many myths that surround Social Security Disability benefits. Here are 4 common ones – and the truth behind them. (1) If my application was denied, that means I can’t get benefits. Over 70% of disability applications are denied the first time. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve or aren’t qualified for …


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Find out how to get treated fairly after an injury or disability in Iowa

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